Member Benefits

Member pricing for monthly events
Connect & Build lasting relationships
Collaborate; learn & share ideas with like-minded women
Increase your confidence in a safe & supportive female environment
Profile your business on the OWBN Website
Promote within, join in our monthly member-only door prize draws
Receive member rates with other island women network groups NWBN – CVWBN & WWBN
Get involved, bring your skills, experience & knowledge and volunteer to serve on our OWBN Executive Board either as an OWBN Director or as a Board Assistant
Promote & share on our OWBN member-only Facebook page
Engage in extra time with members & opt-in for a Showcase Table
Eligible OWBN member corporate rate at The Bayside Resort
Enjoy member rates at Parksville Chamber of Commerce events, when you attend as a OWBN representative
Contribute to the future of the OWBN with your voting privileges

Get in Touch
If you have any questions or want to learn more about our membership, please feel free to email us or contact one of your current members for more information!