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otter lion beaver retriever personality test

September OWBN Meeting – Exploring Our Personality Types

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Exploring Our Personality Types

To create stronger, more meaningful working relationships

otter lion beaver retriever personality test

Using the Otter, Beaver, Lion, Golden Retriever personality test, let’s discover our predominant personality traits and share with each other in our OWBN community. There’s sure to be some ah-ha’s and some laughs with our presenter, Sheila Leclerc!

We’ll look at how both strong and weak traits show up in business, personal lives and beyond. Being aware of our go-to, comfortable traits can help create the space to make different choices and, ultimately, create stronger connections with others.

In this interactive presentation, we’ll become more aware of different communication types and how to interact with people of different personalities to create more meaningful working relationships.

We look forward to seeing everyone at our first event of the new season! Share the fun and bring a friend!

Sheila LeclercSheila Leclerc

Sheila completed her first certificate program in Solutions Focused Coaching in 2011 after discovering that this was the career she had been searching for. One where she can partner with clients to create their best life and make the impossible possible. In 2018 Sheila successfully completed a one year Ontological (being based) Coaching program and achieved certification through the International Coach Federation as an Associate Certified Coach.

Sheila is passionate about working with Women, empowering them to live their best lives: job of their dreams, deep relationships, self-love galore and whatever else is ‘success’ to that individual.

When she’s not coaching you can find Sheila colouring with her 3 year old daughter, hiking, sailing or working on house renovations.

Sheila Leclerc Coaching
Certified Professional Coach, ACC
250-510-6676 | |




