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Archives: Events

Nov. OWBN Meeting – Start Now to Make 2019 Your Best Year Ever!

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November is a great time to start planning for the upcoming year. In Deb Alcadinho’s presentation, you’ll learn how to set up yourself and your business for success.

Get 2019 off to a great start as Deb shares her secrets for

  • Planning
  • Forecasting
  • Staying motivated
  • Your mindset
  • Getting focused, and
  • Staying organized

Whether you’re a business owner, sales or career professional, you'll gain valuable insight into planning for a successful 2019. Deb’s presentations are workshop-style, so you’ll walk away with a booklet, tools and resources to get you started right away.


November 21st Workshop

Then join us the following day for a workshop to do a deep dive, create your plan and take action. You’ll have tools, knowledge and your own rock-star ability to skyrocket your biz to the next level in 2019.

Complete details and registration information...



About Deb Alcadinho

Deb Alcadinho is a marketing maven, brand consultant and business advisor. With 40+ years experience (yup she started at age 10) in entrepreneurship, marketing and branding, she is regarded as a leader. A serial entrepreneur with a history of seven businesses and a decade in multi-million dollar media sales, she has a strong history in marketing, branding and business development.

After growing the brands of local and national brands through effective marketing campaigns for more than a decade, together with her immense business knowledge, Deb founded Your Brand Power in 2015. Deb works directly with business women to grow and develop exceptional branding, marketing and kick-ass profitable businesses.

Deb founded Westshore Women’s Business Network (WWBN) in 2010 to provide a platform for business women to connect and grow their networks, learn through professional development, and expand their business. Today WWBN serves women from Southern Vancouver Island and through an online community.

Married with three handsome grown boys, she balances self-employment, family and volunteerism. She loves the ocean, forest and nature - escaping when possible.



Oct. OWBN Meeting – Be Prepared: The Importance of Emergency First Aid/CPR Skills in Your Business & Your Life

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Leanne Henley of Life Skills First Aid will be our presenter for the evening. She'll discuss the reasons why each of us should take a first aid course. She'll share her own life experiences to demonstrate the value of being prepared with first aid knowledge and skills. Plus she'll also discuss how to prepare for emergencies such as wild fires and earthquakes.



About Leanne Henley

Leanne is the owner and instructor at Life Skills First Aid. She is a training partner with the Red Cross and has taught courses in British Columbia and Alberta for over 20 years. Recently, she spent five years in remote communities in Northern BC, where she trained people who otherwise would have had to travel long distances to become certified in first aid. She quickly realized the need for first aid training, not only in the workplace, but in everyday life. Leanne grew up in Shawnigan Lake and has now moved back to Duncan.

She is also excited to be able to offer Red Cross First Aid and CPR courses to the area that means so much to her. She believes in having fun and learning in a safe, professional and welcoming environment. She wants to prepare participants to react confidently in any first aid situation. She uses quality equipment, real life scenarios and a variety of teaching techniques to keep the class engaging and relevant.

Her background as a Red Cross Instructor, Lifeguard and mother to two energetic kids (and 1 fur baby) has really propelled her passion for educating people on the importance of first aid and CPR…it is not just training, it is a LIFE SKILL.


September OWBN Meeting – Exploring Our Personality Types

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Exploring Our Personality Types

To create stronger, more meaningful working relationships

otter lion beaver retriever personality test

Using the Otter, Beaver, Lion, Golden Retriever personality test, let's discover our predominant personality traits and share with each other in our OWBN community. There's sure to be some ah-ha's and some laughs with our presenter, Sheila Leclerc!

We'll look at how both strong and weak traits show up in business, personal lives and beyond. Being aware of our go-to, comfortable traits can help create the space to make different choices and, ultimately, create stronger connections with others.

In this interactive presentation, we'll become more aware of different communication types and how to interact with people of different personalities to create more meaningful working relationships.

We look forward to seeing everyone at our first event of the new season! Share the fun and bring a friend!

Sheila LeclercSheila Leclerc

Sheila completed her first certificate program in Solutions Focused Coaching in 2011 after discovering that this was the career she had been searching for. One where she can partner with clients to create their best life and make the impossible possible. In 2018 Sheila successfully completed a one year Ontological (being based) Coaching program and achieved certification through the International Coach Federation as an Associate Certified Coach.

Sheila is passionate about working with Women, empowering them to live their best lives: job of their dreams, deep relationships, self-love galore and whatever else is ‘success’ to that individual.

When she’s not coaching you can find Sheila colouring with her 3 year old daughter, hiking, sailing or working on house renovations.

Sheila Leclerc Coaching
Certified Professional Coach, ACC
250-510-6676 | |



June OWBN Meeting – AGM

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OWBN AGM (Annual General Meeting)


It's time to come out and enjoy the last meeting of the year and see all the ladies you might not see over the summer. And of course it is time to elect the board for 2018 - 2019 OWBN Board. Come out, have fun and help to choose and congratulate the new board.

If you are interested in being on the board please talk to Permelia or Debbie.

There are many benefits to sitting on the board and to keeping the OWBN group vibrant and meeting the needs of the members.





May OWBN Meeting – How to Thrive in Life and Business

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How to Thrive in Life and Business:

3 Keys to Creative Living

Are you tired of your business running your life?

Do you often push through fatigue to finish that one last “thing”, rather than listening to your body and taking a break?

Do you crave a life that YOU design – one that includes guilt-free time for you and with friends and family without that “To Do” list nagging you in the back of your head?

If so, you’re not alone.

The stress associated with constantly doing and giving is taking an incredible toll on our bodies, minds, relationships, and our bottom lines. There is a healthier, happier way to do life and this keynote will share some practical proven strategies to show you how.

In this participatory keynote participants will:

  • Examine the impact constantly “Doing” and “Giving” is having on their body, mind and relationships at home and at work … and on their business
  • Explore 3 keys to thriving in life and work
  • Learn powerful practices to help them stay healthy, happy and grounded while running a successful business.

Pamela Thompson, BN, MSc. is a certified life and business coach, keynote speaker, and facilitator with over 25 years experience as a global health and management consultant on 5 continents. She is author of the #1 Best Selling book “Learning to Dance with Life: A Guide for High Achieving Women”.  Through her fun and highly participatory keynotes, workshops and retreats Pam supports business and professional women to embrace change, thrive in life and business and lead in uncertain times.

Pamela has created two successful management consulting businesses since the early 1990s; and is currently President of Creative Life Coaching Inc.

17 – April – OWBN Meeting – Wise Women

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Eva Hilborn                                                                                                            Janet Farooq

Eva became a teacher in 1943 and is still politically                                             Janet has her PhD in Economics, she worked
active, advocating for women and children's rights.                                              for Yale and for the United Nations.


Action Ignites Momentum
May 12, 2018.
EXTRA PERK! Early Bird sign ups are entered into a FANTASTIC PRIZE
Register before April 20th and be entered into a draw for a $600 valued
Cowichan Valley Limousine Wine Tour for four.


This is so special that we're waiving our May dinner meeting.
Reservations are already starting to fill up fast!
Go to our website page for all the details.



Partnering Up: Strategic Alliances

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Partnering Up: Strategic Alliances

Want to grow your business?  Missing critical tools/abilities in a specific area?  Well, you can learn/develop/purchase them for yourself.  Or, you can partner up and find a buddy…. a strategic alliance.
A strategic alliance is an arrangement that involves two or more organizations that pool expertise and resources to:
·        Fill gaps in serving the need of a marketplace
·        Add value to products and services
·        Respond to an opportunity (expand capacity without expanding)
·        Access new markets and customers
·        Contribute to the greater community
·        Solve a problem (strength in numbers)
This energizing presentation will help you move your business to the next level with insights and advice about strategy, marketing and the latest small business trend: strategic alliances.
BIO    Dawn McCooey, MA 

Dawn McCooey, MA (Leadership & Training), CMC, is a Business Advisor with Women’s Enterprise Centre, and is based in our Victoria office. WEC is the leading business resource centre for women business owners across BC. Fueling the success of BC women entrepreneurs since 1995, WEC offers business loans, business skills training, mentoring, personalized business advice, practical resources and a supportive community.

As a Business Advisor, Dawn works directly with women business owners to provide one-on-one complimentary business guidance. She reviews and provides feedback on business plans, evaluates loan applications, and provides support to current loan clients.

A Certified Management Consultant (CMC), Dawn completed a Master of Arts degree in Leadership and Training at Royal Roads University, and has worked with corporations, small businesses and government in organizational development and human resources management. As the owner of a career consulting company for over 18 years, Dawn managed up to 32 employees in three offices in Victoria and was voted “Best Boss in Victoria.” She is the author of the Amazon bestseller, Keeping Good Employees On Board. Dawn brings a positive energy to her clients and to all of the projects that she undertakes.

Vancouver Island Compassion Dogs & The Power of the Purse

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Tuesday 20 February 2018
OWBN Meeting
Doors open at 5:30
Quality Resort Bayside
240 Dogwood Street Parksville BC
Cost $30 for all WBN Members
Cost $37 for Non-Members.
!!!!!Reservation Cut off is 12:00am Friday 16th 2018!!!!
The WAGS Team Vancouver Island
Compassion Dogs
Since her youth, Barb has spent decades passionately involved with several animal charities. Most recently with the Canadian Animal Assistance Team (CAAT), she has served nationally and internationally to help spay, neuter and rescue both dogs and cats. Locally, she has co-chaired with her business partner the Qualicum Cat Rescue Society. Barb’s work with BC Guide Dogs, raising five puppies for service and autism support fostered her tremendous devotion for canine service. Collectively, these experiences empowered Barb to pilot the founding initiative of VICD upon the request from Comox Airforce Base seeking such a program in 2013. Both of Barb’s parent’s being WWII military veterans also stirred her unwavering vision for VICD’s purpose. Leaning on her research training and problem solving experience’s gained thought completing her Master’s Degree and acquired thought running a successful local business for more than 20 years have helped contribute to her tireless accomplishments.
Haven House is OWBN's charity of choice. 
These funds are raised each meeting 
through our 50/50 draw.
In the spirit of Valentines day in the month of February we are also collecting purses for Haven
The initiative by Julia Mewhort   or     (250) 240-0516

The Power of the Purse
Collecting for Haven Society
Julia has initiated a purse drive for Haven. Julia is collecting gently used or new purses for Haven Society . They will be needing these purses and donations most this Spring.
We will collect and pick up all donation from now until the end of February. You can bring any and all donation to our February's meeting where Holly Heppner will gather up and deliver to Julia Mewhort
Adding any items to the purses is also a nice gesture - items such as toothpaste toothbrush floss feminine hygiene items etc.
Women that flee from a violence often do so quickly and sometimes in the middle of the night. They often have nothing for belongings but the cloths they are wearing.
Haven Society’s promotes the integrity and safety of women, children, youth and families and the development of a respectful and healthy community.
If you would like to be a part of this purse drive or discuss further please
contact Holly Heppner (250)927-2786

Fill out your information and click on send your booking then choose to pay by Paypal or by Credit Card.

No LogIn Required

Why Instagram is the HOT Social Network for Business and Why You Need to Be There!

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Tues January 16th OWBN meeting. All OWBN, WWBN, NWBN  CVWBN members & Non members Welcome

JUHLi is an award winning marketing and technology instructor who has educated hundreds of professionals and small business owners on how to use social media tools effectively to build relationships online that will lead to sales. She’s the founder of JUHLi SELBy Social Media, a training company based in Victoria BC, that offers private lessons, public workshops and online training. She’s also a social media marketing instructor at Camosun College

We are so very please to have JUHLi to share with us Why Instagram is the HOT Social Network for Business

JUHLi will be holding an extensive workshop the following day of the OWBN meeting. The workshop will be held at the Quality Resort Bayside from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm, Wednesday, January 17th.
The workshop will be much more in depth, hands on and personal. Don't miss out on this fabulous opportunity
With 800 million users, Instagram is hot! All the big brands, and 40% of the online Canadian population are 'Instagramming'. Learn strategic considerations for this platform; what to share; rookie mistakes to avoid; use of hashtags and location tagging, and tips to get your Instagram account on the path to success.
Note: You will need a smartphone, and you should have an Instagram account set up before the workshop if possible. Please remember to bring your login information (user name & passwords) for the following: Facebook, Instagram, & your Apple App Store or Google Play Store (to download apps as needed).
In this hands on 'how to' workshop JUHLi will show you:
*How to navigate around the Instagram app - including your home feed, how to view Instagram Stories, private messages, search, notifications, your profile/your Instagram feed, & your saved collections
*How to 'Instagram' a photo from your photo roll/gallery on your smartphone
*How to like, comment on, save, and privately share Instagram posts
*Best practices & how to 'Repost' (share) a photo
*What you should be doing daily & weekly to grow your connections/network
*How to find relevant people to follow AND get exposure for your business with the strategic use of hashtags & location tagging - including how to research hashtags
Cost $49 for all WBN Members
$69 for Non-Members.
 Tel: 250-686-7988. Email:

OWBN presents Little Black Dress, 12 Dec 2017

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Black and White 
Classic Movie Christmas Party
Tuesday Decemer 12
5:30pm to 10:00pm
Join us for a scrumptious buffet dinner & fun
*gift exchange (optional participation) complimentary drink, and dance music
Guest and/or Spouse are welcome
*****Choose a fun movie related gift to exchange (max $15)***** 
NOTE: There will be NO tickets at the door
In the spirit of the season, unwrapped donations of toques, scarves, mitts or diapers(sizes 4,5,6) are welcome for the
Salvation Army